Weekly Opportunities for 

Worship, Bible Study, and Service



We meet for corporate worship on the first day of the week (Sunday). Our worship is centered on the word of God and includes prayer & traditional music. Our music worship style has an emphasis on “congregation participation” in singing.


Bible Study

Currently, First Baptist Church has three Sunday Bible classes. Two classes are available for adults to choose either a co-ed class or a women’s class. There is also an elementary class for children.


Prayer Meeting

Prayer is the vehicle by which God has established a means for his created children to communicate with Him. First Baptist believes prayer works and we take seriously the words of Paul, “Pray without ceasing.” Prayer concerns are noted and shared. In additional to individual prayer throughout the week, First Baptist comes together weekly to pray for our members and friends, as well as praying for needs in our community, nation, and around the world. Some churches focus their attention on Wednesday evening to Bible study, but FBC makes prayer our first priority. Everyone is invited to attend.